Lomi Lomi Nui

Embracing Mind & Body Connection

The Lomi Lomi Ritual brings you to a state of calm and bliss.

The relaxing touch connects you to your inner-self.

. Bookings via Email or Phone . 


About Me

José Lessa

José Lessa is a Portuguese artist and Lomi Lomi Nui

Practitioner who grew up by and with the sea.

A graduate of the University of Arts and Design

in Porto, Portugal, he has been involved in human

expression as a martial arts teacher, visual artist

and Argentinean tango dancer.

He began his journey as a Lomi Lomi Nui practitioner

at the renowned Schloss-Schule St. Georgen in Austria.

Everything he has practised, learned and experienced over

the years is reflected in his Lomi Lomi Nui approach.